安全区域 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立大学




安全区域 是一个旨在: 

  • 教育人们关于性取向和性别认同/表达的问题.
  • 建立一个可见的盟友网络,为冰球突破豪华版游戏下载女同性恋者提供支持, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 和质疑(LGBTQ)群体.
  • Provide accurate information 关于 sexual orientation and gender identity/expression diversity, 问题, 以及社区内的资源.
多样性、股票、 & 纳入(DEI)委员会 

We strive to serve the mission of 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 through focus on efforts towards the advancement of inclusion for diversity. 这些举措支持我们校园内的各种社区, 提供教育和信息, and maintain rich partnerships with similar programs/organizations/initiatives in the surrounding Williston community and beyond.

我们与校园部门合作, 学生组织, 大学管理, 以及社区团体倡导我们校园多样性的需求和关注. 


学习. Attend our 安全区域 Ally training sessions to learn more 关于 gender and sexual diversity. We offer 3 levels of training throughout the year with opportunities to sign a pledge to be an 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 安全区域 Ally.  点击左侧的培训描述链接查找更多信息. 
说出来. 表达你对LGBTQ人群的支持是很有力量的. 你是否在挑战刻板印象, 纠正错误的陈述或者仅仅表达你对女同性恋的支持, 同性恋, 双性恋, 或者变性朋友, 亲戚或同事, 你可以让改变发生.
变得活跃 在地方、州或全国性的LGBTQ组织工作. 安全区网站上列出了许多当地的, 区域, and national organizations that you can join to keep current on important 问题 facing the LGBTQ community - and how you can be an Ally.
做一个好的倾听者. Many LGBTQ people feel isolated and alone, and would greatly benefit from having someone to talk to. 口头上的支持向别人表明你愿意进行进一步的对话.
参与. There are many ways to get involved with LGBTQ community at 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 and in the Williston community. 冰球突破试玩官方网站了解更多信息.


The goal of this introductory training session is to provide a basic information 关于 sexual orientation, 尤其是对于冰球突破豪华版游戏下载的学生, 教职员工. 讨论的主题包括相关术语的概述, 出来的过程, 以及如何成为同性恋者的盟友, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人或酷儿. Participants at this training session will have an opportunity to make a personal commitment to becoming an 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 安全区域 Ally - however, 成为盟友并不是这个一级培训课程的要求. 请注意: attendance at Level 1 is a pre-requisite for eligibility to attend additional levels of training.
The goal of this advanced training session is to explore in greater depth the experiences of those who identify as 变性人. Attendees will leave this session with a broader understanding of gender identity and expression, both as they relate to institutional policy and to the lived experiences of 变性人 youth. 请注意: 参加本培训前需要达到1级.
这个培训项目的目标是提供一个互动的, engaging learning opportunity that allows those who are 安全区域 Allies to further develop their skills and comfort levels as Allies. Topics addressed in this training encourage Allies to move from being passive bystanders to active 支持者 在我们的校园社区. 请注意: 你必须参加1级 & 2 .参加本培训前.



冰球突破豪华版游戏下载有一个室友配对计划 对于LGBTQ+社区和盟友来说. 如果有兴趣,请填写此调查,以便与您的校园住宿相匹配.


冰球突破豪华版游戏下载在校园里有三个男女卫生间. 一个在史蒂文斯大厅,在提顿休息室和护理区之间. 另外两间在西星大厦, 一个在焊接舱,另一个在石油舱.


名称更改 & 性别变化信息 

学生 will log into 校园连接 and click on the eForms tile as shown below to access the Legal Name Change Request Form.  点击页面左侧的合法名称更改请求表格.  学生 should monitor their 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 email for any communication 关于 the completion of the form.
以前的学生没有 校园连接登录 使用访客主页,点击“Campus Solutions guest Page”


A student's "name of record" at Williston State College is defined as the legal name under which the student was admitted to 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载. “法定姓名”是指有出生日期证明的姓名, 结婚证书, 护照, 或者法院命令. 学生 wishing to change their name in their official academic record from the name of record under which they were admitted to the university must submit a Legal Name Change Request in eForms within 校园连接 and provide the legal documentation stating their new legal name.
在收到并核实此文件后, 注册主任将更改学生正式学习记录中的学生姓名. “正式学习成绩” 在本节中 is defined as the academic and biographical information of an individual student contained within 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载’s computerized student information system (校园连接). 此外,名称的微小变化(例如.g.(如拼写更正). 在这种情况下, the student may be expected to provide documentation such as a current driver's license with photo, 护照, 或外国人居留证.
学生可以在校园连接中设置首选名称.  指令 在学术记录页面上找到的.
  • 成绩单(官方 & 非官方的)
  • 1098 t的文档
  • 冰球突破试玩官方网站/财政援助处理
  • 全国学生信息交流中心
  • 签证和移民文件
  • 用户名/网络ID
  • 身份证
  • 黑板上
  • 班级名册/年级名册
  • 深思熟虑的报告
  • 在线目录
  • 文凭
  • 学生中心
  • 电子邮件
  • 导航


A student's official academic record reflects the gender the student identified him- or herself as to the university when he or she applied for admission to 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载. 学生 who subsequently wish to change the gender designation in their official academic record must provide the registrar with a "good faith" statement from the student to request a gender change. “正式学习成绩”, 在本节中, is defined as the academic and biographical information of an individual student contained within 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载’s computerized student information system (校园连接).
注意: 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载成绩单和文凭没有特别提及性别.
Do you have an example of a "welcoming and inclusive" statement that I can put in my course syllabus?
我们在课程大纲中使用了以下声明. 请随意复制和/或编辑此声明,以最适合您的需求:
因为这门课要求我们谈论我们生活的各个方面以及我们周围的人, 对自己和他人都要有高度的尊重. 在这个教室里不允许使用歧视性的词语. As students you are expected to have an open mind in this class and to expand your perspectives of the world around you. Remember to keep your sense of humor as there may be cases of disagreement and sensitive topics. 互相尊重地倾听,保留自己的判断. 任何不愿遵守这些准则的人将被要求离开课堂.
本课程涉及许多人认为敏感和高度敏感的主题.  Some of the readings contain strong language and graphic descriptions of violence and sexual situations, 有些作者的政治立场你可能不同意.  Please keep an open mind both to the readings and to the views of your classmates with whom you might have differences.  在大学教室里请记住这一点, you must be able to differentiate between emotions and personal opinions on the one hand, 另一方面对课程材料进行理性分析.
  • COLAGE Lee Dubin冰球突破试玩官方网站 -适用于有女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性父母的人.
  • 点基础 - The 点基础 empowers promising LGBTQ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential - despite the obstacles often put before them - to make a significant impact on society.
  • 共青团基金会-联盟基金会为美国女同性恋者提供财政资源, 同性恋, 双性恋, Transgender high school seniors entering their first year of  institutions of higher learning
  • Additional scholarships available to LGBTQ students in a variety of academic and professional tracks can be found at the Human Rights Campaign website at: http://www.hrc.org/resources/entry/scholarship-database.
  • 刘德基金会 was started in 1987 in response to the AIDS crisis; as people in the LGBTQ community experienced isolation, 耻辱和无知, our community came together to provide for itself and ensure such obstacles could be confronted.
i.     跨性别法律中心r
ii.     λ法律
3.     达科他彻底
iv.     HRC -北达科他州
v.     TransFaith
vi.     中西部双性恋、女同性恋、男同性恋、跨性别、无性恋大学会议  
7.     特雷弗计划
8.     LGBTQ酗酒指南
波动率指数.  彩虹约会FB
x. FirstLink
xi. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载健康 & 健康协调员, LeeAnn克拉克,可以使用聊天咨询服务
十二世. 喋喋不休儿科治疗701-580-8788
十三世. 上密苏里地区卫生单位艾滋病毒,性传播感染检测
十四. 华盖医疗诊所为LBGTQIA+个人和盟友提供面对面和远程医疗服务
xv. 如果您正在经历心理健康危机,请致电或发短信988
第十七章. 性别确认的支持
十八. LGBTQ+收养指南

克里斯·卡德马斯| 701.774.4528 |史蒂文斯大厅105H
柯比·伦德| 701.774.4595 |史蒂文斯大厅115H

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